(P.S i like this picture! what's your interpretation of it?)
hello everyone!how's the weekend so far?
i've got a link here to share with everyone
yepps if you have been reading the newspapers, this website was also featured.
This is Shin's cancer blog, read it if you have time! quite inspiring(:
Shin's a cancer patient diagnosed with breast cancer which then further spread to her brain and liver. She's married with two children and its really nice to read how she deal's with her illness and you'll be surprised by her calmness while facing death.
anyway, the point is, while we are all busy working on PIs, or even mugging for econs test,
do remember to spend time with your family or take a break from work(have a kit kat!), or simply watching television(:

Be at peace with yourself and enjoy the weekend!
Look at the things around you and you'll realise that some things are not as important as before.
jiayou everyone!:DDDDD

treasure what you have, don't let them fly away.

spread the love<3

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